Why lifelong learning is needed in the digital age
Out of the children that are starting school today, 65 per cent of them will hold jobs that don't yet exist, according to a 2017 report by Accenture, titled 'New Skills Now: Inclusion in the digital economy'. This development and change is happening all around the globe at a rapid rate. With it comes the necessity for humans to invest in lifelong learning, if they wish to keep up with the digital world we now live in.
Here's what you need to know.
Lifelong learning and the digital age
Research from Accenture's report reveals that 74 per cent of business and IT leaders are finding that their organisations are entering into areas that have yet to be defined. In order to handle the changing environment and forge ahead into new territory, constant learning is required. From developing a range of skill sets to keeping up with developing research, keeping relevant is becoming an ever more difficult task.
The development and growth of AI is further disrupting our previous systems as well. More jobs are beginning to fall under the AI skill set, and people are having to adapt to collaborating and working with machines in their roles.
On the other hand, while the digital landscape is requiring people to constantly acclimatise, it's also providing easy access to the tools they need to do so. Never before has the opportunity to learn been at people's fingertips as it is now.
How the digital age has changed learning
Once, education had a more rigid structure to it. Now, you can manipulate how you learn to suit your personal needs.
Not only do you have a wealth of knowledge accessible to you through your phone, more and more online courses and universities are emerging that are offering legitimate qualifications from the comfort of your own home.
The digital age has brought personalised learning to your fingertips. No more is it one size fits all.
Additionally, learning often occurs subconsciously or in a format that's not immediately recognisable as educational. Microlearning happens regularly, through the snippets of videos that you watch or infographics that appear on your news feeds.
Gamification takes what we do for fun and relaxation and uses it to subtly change learning from something we have to think about, to something we enjoy instead.
With the world digitally transforming, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. However, lifelong learning doesn't need to be something you dread, or even be difficult. Technology allows you to upskill and adapt in a way that best suits you.
If you'd like to know more about how the digital age is changing jobs and businesses and how your business might keep up, contact the team at XLDigital today.