Creating AI Driven Networks
Like many other areas disrupted before it, AI could soon be helping organisations with automated network management.
The umbrella of artificial intelligence combines the capabilities of machine learning and Big Data management to enable software defined networks with the potential to optimise and repair themselves without any human intervention.
Harnessing the power of AI will allow businesses of all sizes to realise huge performance gains and cost savings but will especially be beneficial to mid to large organisations.
Training a network
A Gartner study revealed that by 2022 around 40 percent of large enterprises will be utilising Big Data and machine learning functions to at least partially replace network functions such as network monitoring, service desk, and a variety of network processes and tasks, up from around 5 percent today.
Self optimising networks are already a reality but do require training so that AI systems can make use of operational data. This training involves using recent developments in Big Data and machine learning to enhance a range of IT processes including network availability and performance monitoring, event analysis, and task management.
These developments will work directly towards improving a range of business processes including:
Prevention and Prediction
Automated networks can help monitor data across both the front end and back end of networks to let administrators and business leaders know about problems before they arise. They incorporate virtual assistants that can track patterns across networks to determine probabilistically where problems are most likely to arise. Platforms such as Loom are already able to achieve these kinds of functions.
With today’s constantly shifting landscape of cyber threats, human monitoring alone is increasingly unlikely to be able to keep up with the complexity of an organisation’s cybersecurity needs. Having a monitoring system based on AI allows for the detection of malicious activities by using predictive analytics to prevent breaches from network attacks. Other security capabilities that AI can improve upon include operating biometric-based login techniques and securing conditional authentication and access.
Sales performance
Machine learning programs such as Alteryx can generate leads by looking through data from a business’ sales pipeline and automatically identifying the best customers to target as well as assigning the right person for the job.
Cost reductions
Prevention and early prediction of networking issues leads to direct cost savings by increasing uptime and reducing human labour costs. It also leads to indirect cost savings through efficiency improvements achieved by improving workflows, logistics, sales pipelines, and marketing funnels.
AI is the future
There is little doubt that the future of AI is bright as it has already disrupted entire industries with performance and business intelligence improvements. These are now being realised across AI managed networks that today need to deal with massive amounts of business and user data on a daily basis. AI now has the potential to vastly boost network performance, control, and security and the firms that leverage these technologies will realise huge competitive advantages.
For more information on how AI systems can improve your network’s performance, speak to the IT experts at FinXL.