Finite Group City2Surf team raise nearly $5,000 for Guide Dogs NSW/ACT
The Finite Group continues to support worthy causes, with a team of five participating in this year’s Sydney City2Surf and raising nearly $5,000 for the Guide Dogs NSW/ACT. Guide Dogs NSW/ACT delivers essential services to children, teenagers, adults, and older Australians who are blind or have low vision across New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.
Given the two-year physical hiatus, the Finite Group was keen to get behind their City2Surf fundraising efforts again. Sunny blue skies welcomed the team at the starting line and Steffan Rees crossed the finishing line in just 58.30 – an incredible time given the winner crossed the line at 41.14! The rest of the team were not far behind him, all completing the run with impressive times.
Finite Group General Manager Duncan Thomson said, “This year’s team were very determined and really came into their own on the fundraising front. This was reflected in our fundraising total which at just under $5,000, is a great achievement from only five participants. Being part of the world’s largest fun run to give back to the community, encouraged by donations from colleagues, friends, family and suppliers, is being part of something very special. As always, there was a brilliant atmosphere along the very picturesque route through Sydney’s eastern suburbs, with lots of excitement and entertainment from bands, DJ’s and supporters lining the streets. This year’s chosen charity was also very popular and well organised, scoring high buy-in with the team and our generous supporters.”
Impressively, to date, Finite Group have raised nearly $5,000 of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT total of nearly $17,000
For more information on Finite’s Group team and fundraising efforts go to https://city2surf22.grassrootz.com/guidedogs/finitegroup